Mastery Curriculum

Welcome to the Makers Ruby mastery curriculum! Your aim will be to become confident writing real-world procedural programs in Ruby.

  • Real-world? Programs that are useful in the real world. For example, a program to manage your todo list.
  • Procedural? Programs that do something by working through a series of steps. Somewhat like cooking recipes.


Some of you will have more time than others, and others of you will find some quizzes easier and some harder. Try not to compare your progress with your peers and feel confident to ask for help whatever stage you're at. If you're moving through the material quickly, help and go deeper rather than further ahead - assist your cohort peers, play with the code examples, search Google for deeper explanations, etc.

Academy Students

As an Academy student completing the PreCourse part-time, your aim is to finish all 10 chapters and their respective quizzes over the next two weeks. The quizzes can take a long time to complete and the later quizzes tend to take more time than the earlier quizzes. Therefore, aim to have completed chapters 1 - 6 by the end of Week 2 and finish chapters 7 - 10 in Week 3. Chapter 7 onwards is quite a step up in difficulty so leave good time for them.


If you are an Apprentice working on this as part of the main course, your aim is to finish all 10 chapters and their respective quizzes by the end of week two. The quizzes can take a long time to complete and the later quizzes tend to take more time than the earlier quizzes. Therefore, aim to have completed chapters 1 - 6 by the end of Week 1 and finish chapters 7 - 10 in Week 2. Chapter 7 onwards is quite a step up in difficulty so leave good time for them.


  1. Work through a chapter (see below).

  2. When you feel confident with the Learning Objectives at the top of each chapter, complete the quiz for the chapter. You can do that at the quiz repository.

  3. Once you have submitted your quiz answers, and your answers have been verified as correct, continue to the next chapter.

The chapters here aren't the only way to become confident with the Learning Objectives. Research them using Google, play with the code in the code examples or on your own computer, or diagram the sorts of processes being described. Get interactive with the material, and pick your own learning route!

Your code will be automatically tested that it correctly fulfills the requirements (outputs the correct results) and that it is well written code. These automated tests are done using RSpec - a very commonly used testing tool for Ruby. You might find it useful to read the Fixing Problems guide that explains tests and understanding errors. Take a look at the RSpec Pill for a more general overview (if you can't access that here's another link to the RSpec Pill).

Ready? Go to the Instructions!

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